Make a May Day Basket

Saturday, April 3010:00—11:30 AM3rd floor meeting hallTOHP Burnham 30 Martin St, Essex, MA, 01929

Children, ages 5 and older, join Karen Bell of "Something Extra Flowers" as she guides participants in the sweet and nostalgic tradition of creating May Day Baskets. Our baskets will actually be mini Mason jars full of fresh flowers and once finished, children & their adults will walk as a group to Chebacco Terrace to secretly drop off their "baskets" to local senior citizens by dropping them at their doorstep-just as children would have done 100 years ago!

Spaces are very limited. Please register early and if your plans change, please remember to cancel your registration so those on the wait list may attend. 

To read more on the history of May Day Baskets, Click HERE

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